
doctor reviews medical malpractice complaint in hospital hallway
Top Reasons for Medical Malpractice Complaints

Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers, like all humans, occasionally make mistakes. Sadly, these mistakes can lead to their patients experiencing lifelong injury, pain, or death. Unfortunately, cases of medical malpractice are quite common. Yet, you may be surprised by the statistics regarding malpractice lawsuits. Continue reading to learn more. What is Medical Malpractice? Medical…

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Lawyers review recent lawsuit filed against their company
How to File a Lawsuit Against a Company

Have you been wronged, hurt, or had a life-altering accident caused by a company or organization’s negligence? If so, make sure you or your loved one is compensated for any decline in your quality of life, lost wages, or medical bills.  Just the thought of filing a lawsuit against a company may seem overwhelming. However,…

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dog sits with owner outside at restaurant picnic table
Dine with Your Dogs in Alabama

Alabama lets the dogs out! A new Alabama law allows dog owners to bring their pets with them while dining outside at restaurants.  If a restaurant wants to participate and meets certain criteria, dogs will be allowed to dine with their owners in outside areas.  Dogs are not permitted inside restaurants. What the New Law…

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nursing home worker talks to resident about nursing home abuse
8 Types Nursing Home Abuse & What You Can Do About It

Nursing homes provide a valuable service to the elderly, disabled, and countless families. They give care and comfort to those who may not be able to receive it elsewhere. However, there can be a dark side to the care provided in these facilities. Nursing home abuse and neglect take away from the expectation of care,…

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rose laying on headstone of person who died from a wrongful death
Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Who Has Claim?

Losing a loved one due to the neglect and carelessness of others is a terrible blow to families that may leave ongoing emotional scarring. In addition to the emotional trauma, the family may also face significant financial difficulties with the loss of the deceased. Sometimes, compensation provided by a wrongful death lawsuit may ease this financial…

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