
A stamp lies on top of insurance paperwork after an insurance agent rejects their clients insurance claim
How to Dispute an Insurance Claim

Rejected insurance claims – whether car or health – can have devastating effects. You need money to pay for things like medical bills and groceries following a car accident or health setback. Sometimes, a denied claim can mean that you and your loved ones’ survival depends on the final decision of insurance companies. Luckily, if…

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Hospital staff gather in an empty hallway discussing a former patient who's family is suing the hospital for wrongful death.
Suing a Hospital for Wrongful Death

Losing a family member due to the negligence of hospital staff can change your life emotionally, financially, and mentally. This loss can change your perception of healthcare providers. It may also impact the way you seek medical care in the future. If a facility violated basic healthcare standards and did not provide tools to prevent…

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Students run to catch school bus to go back to school.
Back to School Safety Tips

Alarm clocks, hurried parents, groggy kids hunting for missing shoes, and a messy breakfast. This is the scene in countless homes during the transition from the easygoing days of summer to the frenzy of a new school year. Added to that, a new school year comes with its share of dangers. Fortunately, following these helpful…

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Personal injury victim shakes hand with lawyer after hiring them thanks to tips from a how to hire a personal injury lawyer blog.
How to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

The first step is to pick up the phone and call us.  Attorney William Messervy When you’ve been injured in an accident or due to someone else’s negligence, figuring out how to hire a personal injury lawyer should be a top priority. After seeking medical attention, your next move should be to seek legal representation.…

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Client sits in free consultation with attorney to determine when to hire a personal injury lawyer after their accident.
When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

The aftermath of an experience that causes pain, injury, or loss of life can be confusing. It can be difficult to understand where to go and what to do after you begin the healing process. Once you have had time to catch your breath, the next step is figuring out how to receive compensation for…

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Doctor looks shocked as insurance professional shows him the how often medical malpractices cases are won.
How Often Are Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Won?

Only 20% of medical malpractice lawsuits are successful. This is according to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPBD), a government database of all medical malpractice reports and payments. The NPBD reports that 80% of all medical malpractice lawsuits end with no payout. This shows how important it is to have experienced legal representation in medical…

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