How to Find the Best Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are involved in a personal injury claim, it is wise to hire a lawyer that will protect your interests and get you the best result. But how do you find the best personal injury lawyer in Huntsville, AL?

Think of how much research and thought you put into finding the best doctor or dentist. You don’t simply rely on billboards or commercials, right?

empty billboard to show where a personal injury ad might go

Instead, you likely research doctors in your area and get opinions from friends and family. You should put that same effort into selecting a personal injury lawyer. 

We are confident that you will find the best lawyer to present your case if you follow the tips below. 

Understand why you need a personal injury lawyer.

When beginning your search, it is important to know when to contact a personal injury lawyer.

Although it may be easy to find a licensed attorney in your area, that attorney may not be familiar with the inner workings of personal injury law.

The law changes often, and a qualified personal injury lawyer stays abreast of state statutes and case law.

Make a list of prospective lawyers.

Don’t simply depend on billboards, catchy phone numbers, and commercials to choose the right attorney for yourself.

Ask family and friends that have dealt with personal injury cases about their experience. Get their opinions on the lawyers who represented them.

Utilize all available avenues such as websites, mailers, newspapers, and radio to create a list of lawyers you feel may be a good match.

Narrow down your list to attorneys who have experience handling your type of injury or claim.

If you have a medical malpractice case, hiring an attorney who deals mostly in product liability would not be a great idea.

Once you’ve narrowed your list down to attorneys that specialize in the practice area you need, give their offices a call. A paralegal or attorney will be able to verify which legal services they offer.

It is also good to search the internet for articles, cases, online reviews, and even disciplinary actions involving that lawyer or law firm.

Make your appointment.

stack of calendars lie next to pen and a coffee cup as person looks over them to schedule their meeting with persoanl injury lawyer

Personal injury lawyers often offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case. Take relevant paperwork, reports, and medical bills involving your claim to your appointment.

Ask your potential attorney questions about fees, strategy, and experience regarding your type of case.

Before retaining an attorney, it is reasonable to want to feel confident they will manage your case competently and professionally.

Don’t hesitate to speak with multiple attorneys. You may eventually have to deal with this person for several months or years. You’ll want to ensure they are the right fit.

If you or a loved one are searching for an experienced personal injury attorney to protect your interest and rights, please contact the attorneys at Timberlake & League in North Alabama. We can help.