
What if I cannot afford an attorney in Alabama?
What If I Can’t Afford an Attorney in Alabama?

Sometimes, the people who need an attorney the most are the ones who can least afford to pay for one. Whether charged with a crime, injured in an accident, facing a divorce, or dealing with a property dispute, there are many situations where you might need a lawyer even though you might not have a…

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Alabama Tort law books kept in the law firm of Timberlake and League for pro bono work and other cases
What Is Pro Bono Legal Work?

“Pro bono publico – ‘for the public good’ – not just in the sense of professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment, but in the sense of a public service to those who are unable to afford the services of skilled professionals.  It is a noble and necessary calling for all attorneys.” California State Chief…

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Baby sits in car seat after being properly strapped in.
Alabama Child Restraint Laws

Buckle your seat belt! Following this timeless piece of advice is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and others riding in your car in the event of a crash.  According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, wearing a seat belt is the most effective way to reduce the risk…

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winter road before a car wreck due to bad weather
Car Wrecks and Bad Weather

Weather conditions often impact drivers on the roadways in Alabama. Unfortunately, inclement weather often contributes to an increase in motor vehicle wrecks. Rain, wintery conditions, and even bright sun or high wind may contribute to collisions. How Are You Responsible When Driving in Bad Weather Every driver must always use “reasonable care” whenever operating a…

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Client and insurance provider shake hands after client wins case and insurance obtains subrogation
I’ve Hired an Attorney. Now What?

It can be difficult to know what to expect after you’ve hired an attorney to handle your personal injury case. At Timberlake & League, we try to do everything we can to help you understand the process, what you’ll receive from us, and what we’ll need from you. Here’s what you can expect after you’ve…

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Pools are considered attractive nuisances in Alabama.
Attractive Nuisances in Alabama

Under most circumstances, a landowner in Alabama has very minimal obligation to trespassers. Typically, a landowner is only required to refrain from creating traps or otherwise intentionally injuring anyone who is trespassing or on their land without permission. With child trespassers, however, landowners owe a special duty to take reasonable steps to prevent injuries from…

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