
Huntsville Block Party for the 2022 FIFA World Cup™ Watch Party

Timberlake and League is sponsoring a two-day Huntsville Block Party on November 25 and November 26 from 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. to watch the 2022 FIFA World Cup™ England vs. USA and Argentina vs. Mexico games. Thanks to the City of Huntsville, we are closing down our block on 125 Holmes Avenue and broadcasting…

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Sick patient lies in hospital bed thinking about suing for medical malpractice
How Long Do You Have to Sue for Medical Malpractice?

Multiple visits to different medical professionals each year is normal for millions of people across the country. Shuttling your kids or yourself to a primary care physician, dentist, chiropractor, or eye doctor are things you do without a second thought. However, sometimes a run-of-the-mill doctor’s appointment can go wrong. According to a study by the…

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Man reviews paperwork when disputing a health insurance claim
How to Dispute a Health Insurance Claim

Denial of a health insurance claim can put a family in a financial bind. It may prevent their ability to receive and pay for proper medical care, afford groceries, and simply take care of day-to-day needs. Dealing with insurance companies after they have denied a claim can be a lengthy process and the source of…

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fireplace burns a fire on christmas day
The Most Common Accidents During the Holiday Season

Imagine you’re on a ladder outside with Christmas decorations in hand. The excitement of having the brightest home in your neighborhood causes an adrenaline rush. You reach a little farther and climb a little higher. Then it happens. You misjudge your step and fall off the ladder. You spend the holidays nursing a broken leg,…

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Doctors discuss how a medical malpractice lawsuit works in the hospital.
How Does a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Work?

Medical malpractice claims can be some of the most complicated claims that a person can ever have.  Attorney Heath Brooks Medical malpractice breaks the trust patients have in medical professionals. You should be able to expect hospitals, doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals to treat you with respect and provide high-quality care. Unfortunately, medical malpractice…

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Medical malpractice victim shakes hand with personal injury attorney after winning their case.
Do I Have a Case for Medical Malpractice?

When your life has been affected by the negligence of a medical professional, it can have lasting consequences. These consequences can include injuries damaging a patient’s financial, mental, emotional, and physical health. Although there is no way to reverse the damages, seeking compensation may be an option. Getting fair compensation is a complicated process and…

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