
Personal Injury Claims
Common Types of Insurance Disputes

Since the dawn of time, a game of tug and war has been played between insurance companies and policyholders.  The battles can be brutal due to lost time and the methods insurance companies use to pay as little as possible to the injured party.  That’s because when you file an insurance claim, the company may…

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What The Alabama Statewide Mask Order Means For You
What The Alabama Statewide Mask Order Means For You

Governor Kay Ivey amended the previously entered Safer at Home health order to mandate the use of face masks or other face coverings as of 5:00 pm on July 16, 2020.  Click here to read the entire Amended Order. The Order was issued by the Alabama State Health Officer.  This Order specifically states that it…

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What The Madison County Mask Order Means For You
What The Madison County Mask Order Means For You

Madison County, Alabama, is under a mandatory Order to wear face masks or other face coverings beginning at 5:00 pm on July 7, 2020.  The Order was issued by the Madison County Public Health Officer. Here we answer all your questions about this new order. What Does the Face Mask Order Say? The Madison County…

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Child comes up for air while swimming in Alabama homeowner's pool
Homeowner’s Guide to Pool Liability in Alabama

Summer brings sunny days and soaring temperatures, and swimming is a reliable means to beat the heat.  Swimming is fun, relaxing, and provides a low-impact workout.  Likewise, owning a pool is a surefire way to maximize summer fun. You probably already know that pool ownership usually makes the owner an automatic host for summer parties. …

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Man suffering nursing home abuse in Alabama looks out the window
Alabama Nursing Home Abuse: What You Need to Know

A nursing home should be a place a loved one goes to spend their last years peacefully and as comfortably as possible.  They should receive proper medical care from attentive and professional health care workers in an environment catered to their needs.  Unfortunately, all too often there are cases where residents of a nursing home…

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Protesters fill the street with signs as they follow the guide to protests laws in Alabama
Guide to Protest Laws in Alabama

In the United States, people have the right to peacefully protest under the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. However, governments can limit freedom of speech, which includes requiring limitations on protesting. In this blog, we will review the laws you need to know about protesting in Alabama. Alabama Protest Laws: Riots In Alabama, we have…

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