Workers’ Comp and COVID-19: What You Need to Know
Workers’ Comp and COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Many employees are concerned about being exposed to COVID-19 or contracting the virus while performing their job.  Although employers should be following the Centers for Disease Control Guidelines and OSHA Guidelines as best practices to keep employees safe, there is still a risk of infection if employees are working together and/or are coming into contact…

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Alabama Shelter in Place Order and What it Means for You
The Alabama Shelter in Place Order & What it Means For You

Effective Saturday, April 4, 2020, at 5:00 p.m., Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has ordered all Alabama citizens to shelter in place (stay in their home) unless one of the numerous and broadly-defined exceptions apply. This may seem more restrictive than the “social distancing” policies in place in most cities. But, it will not change the…

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Personal Injuries During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Personal Injuries During the COVID-19 Pandemic

We are amid an unprecedented pandemic moving throughout our country, and it has severely strained our medical system. Not only that, many people do not want to go to the Emergency Room for fear of getting the coronavirus. But personal injuries can occur during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we have to know what to do…

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An empty courtroom in Alabama waiting pro bono case
Guide to Alabama Pro Bono Lawyers

Are you in need of a lawyer in Alabama but can’t afford one? Depending on your situation there are several organizations that could help you by providing free legal representation.  Below we review the pro bono legal service options available for individuals in Alabama. Pro Bono Program: Madison County Volunteer Lawyers Pro Bono Legal Help…

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How COVID-19 Impacts the Alabama Employee
How COVID-19 Impacts Alabama Workers

We are receiving a lot of questions about how COVID-19 impacts workers in Alabama. So we put together answers to the most common ones. 6 Ways COVID-19 is impacting the Alabama Employee Can I be fired for not going to work due to concerns about the Coronavirus? Unfortunately, your employer may require employees to report…

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Coronavirus and the Alabama Court System FAQs
Coronavirus and the Alabama Court System FAQs

We know there is a large amount of uncertainty in our community at this time.  We hope everyone is doing what they can to keep their families safe and healthy.  There have been some significant developments in the court system in Alabama and we wanted to take a moment to address some of the most…

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Product defects are more serious than the physical damage of a cracked phone screen.
The Negative Impact of Product Defects

Each day, consumers use thousands of products that can cause serious harm if they are defective. Laws to protect consumers have been created to hold manufacturers and retailers accountable for selling, marketing, or designing products that they know, or should know, are not safe or reliable. Manufacturers have a duty to ensure their products are…

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Friends laugh together around the dinner table at a dinner party
How to Avoid Party Liability

Invitations? Check. Food and drinks? Check. Clean the house? Check. Brush up on social host and party liability laws? When you plan a party, a few checklist items feel like a given. Invitations, food and drinks, and making sure your house isn’t a total disaster before guests arrive are a few that come to mind.…

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What if I cannot afford an attorney in Alabama?
What If I Can’t Afford an Attorney in Alabama?

Sometimes, the people who need an attorney the most are the ones who can least afford to pay for one. Whether charged with a crime, injured in an accident, facing a divorce, or dealing with a property dispute, there are many situations where you might need a lawyer even though you might not have a…

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