Pre-Injury Releases and Waivers
Pre-Injury Releases and Waivers

A fun day out with family and friends can turn into tragedy in an instant due to unfortunate accidents. Sadly, the family may not receive compensation for injuries and damages sustained if they signed a pre-injury release or waiver. Pre-injury releases and waivers can free the company or host of any responsibility. They are used…

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dog sits with owner outside at restaurant picnic table
Dine with Your Dogs in Alabama

Alabama lets the dogs out! A new Alabama law allows dog owners to bring their pets with them while dining outside at restaurants.  If a restaurant wants to participate and meets certain criteria, dogs will be allowed to dine with their owners in outside areas.  Dogs are not permitted inside restaurants. What the New Law…

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doctor prepares COVID-19 vaccine required by employer
Can My Employer Require Me to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Update: Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall issued a statement (as of August 3rd, 2021) on the state’s vaccine passport law and clarified that employers are allowed to require employees to get vaccinated. Many workers are asking whether employers can require the COVID-19 vaccine if they are eligible for it. The short answer is maybe. Read…

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Aerial view of neighborhood to look at trees along property lines
Trees, Neighbors, and the Law

One of the most common categories of questions we have received on Law Call throughout the years is disputes between neighbors regarding trees. Here, we break down the law regarding these disputes. Law to Know: Alabama applies the doctrine of cujus est solum ejus est usque ad coelum et ad inferos, which is Latin for “To whomever the…

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What The Alabama Statewide Mask Order Means For You
What The Alabama Statewide Mask Order Means For You

Governor Kay Ivey amended the previously entered Safer at Home health order to mandate the use of face masks or other face coverings as of 5:00 pm on July 16, 2020.  Click here to read the entire Amended Order. The Order was issued by the Alabama State Health Officer.  This Order specifically states that it…

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What The Madison County Mask Order Means For You
What The Madison County Mask Order Means For You

Madison County, Alabama, is under a mandatory Order to wear face masks or other face coverings beginning at 5:00 pm on July 7, 2020.  The Order was issued by the Madison County Public Health Officer. Here we answer all your questions about this new order. What Does the Face Mask Order Say? The Madison County…

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Protesters fill the street with signs as they follow the guide to protests laws in Alabama
Guide to Protest Laws in Alabama

In the United States, people have the right to peacefully protest under the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. However, governments can limit freedom of speech, which includes requiring limitations on protesting. In this blog, we will review the laws you need to know about protesting in Alabama. Alabama Protest Laws: Riots In Alabama, we have…

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What You Need to Know about the Latest Alabama Safer at Home Update
What You Need to Know about the Latest Alabama Safer at Home Update

Effective Friday, May 22, 2020, at 5:00 p.m., Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has again revised her Safer at Home Order. The May Update now allows most businesses to reopen and many activities to resume.  The new amended Safer at Home Order relaxes many of the restrictions for most businesses, workplaces, and recreation areas in Alabama—some continue to…

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What Alabama Businesses Must Do to Reopen
What Alabama Businesses Must Do to Reopen

Alabama’s new amended Safer at Home Order will allow most businesses to reopen as of 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 11, 2020. However, there are specific guidelines in the Order that different categories of businesses will have to meet. These rules ensure the safety of employees and customers. The goal is to slow the spread…

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