Dine with Your Dogs in Alabama

Alabama lets the dogs out!

A new Alabama law allows dog owners to bring their pets with them while dining outside at restaurants.  If a restaurant wants to participate and meets certain criteria, dogs will be allowed to dine with their owners in outside areas. 

Dogs are not permitted inside restaurants.

What the New Law Says About Dining With Your Dogs

The new law establishes a variety of conditions for restaurants to meet before they can allow dog owners on-site including:

  • Restaurants must have a separate outdoor entrance so dogs can access the outdoor area without going to an indoor dining area.
  • Restaurants must display a “prominent sign” designating where dogs are allowed.
  • Dogs may not use chairs, benches, seats, or other fixtures in the outdoor area.
  • Outdoor dining areas where dogs are allowed must be at least 12 feet from any bar or area where beverages are prepared.
  • Dogs must be kept under control with a leash or in a pet carrier.
  • Restaurant employees must not have “direct contact” with any dog.

You can read the full law here.

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