pills spill out of pill bottles being examined in medical malpractice case
Ultimate Guide to Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider fails to provide the care that is expected of them. Unfortunately, it is a common occurrence. Every year, billions are awarded to patients or families in the U.S. who have been affected by medical negligence. Yale News reports that approximately 22,000 preventable deaths occur each year across America.…

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Caution sign resting at the bottom of stairs to prevent slip and fall accidents
What to do After a Slip and Fall Accident

Suffering a slip and fall accident can be physically and financially burdensome. Whether it happens in a business establishment or someone’s home, these incidents are often the result of preventable circumstances. In this blog, we’ll walk you through essential steps to take if you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident. Additionally, we’ll provide…

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A dog barks aggressively at someone
Know the Warning Signs: How to Know if a Dog May Bite You

Dogs bite more than 4.5 million people each year, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA). More than 800,000 of those dog bites receive medical attention, per the CDC. To help keep yourself and your loved ones from becoming a statistic, it is important to recognize the warning signs and behavioral cues of dogs.…

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Employee fills out workers' compensation form after injury on the job
A Guide to the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act

Private industry employers reported 32,600 non-fatal workplace injuries in Alabama for 2021, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Of those cases, 13,800 resulted in time away from work. Missed work means no paycheck, unpaid bills, and added stress on top of the injury. Alabama workers do have a shield of protection in the…

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Amusement park rides can lead to amusement park accidents and injuries
Amusement Park Accidents and Injuries: What You Need to Know

Amusement parks have provided entertainment for hundreds of years. They feature special rides like the Tilt-a-Whirl, roller coasters, and many other kinds of attractions. But it’s not all fun and games. Lurking among the laughter and thrills is the darker side of amusement parks. There were an estimated 1,224 ride-related injuries in the U.S. and…

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woman looking unhappy in nursing home due to nursing home abuse
Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

The Alabama Department of Human Resources (ADHR) reported 9,407 adult abuse or neglect cases in 2021. Unfortunately, elder abuse is a severe problem that has devastating consequences and affects all racial and ethnic groups. Nursing home abuse takes many forms, including mental abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation. All too often, your loved one may not…

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A construction worker injured at work gets help from co-worker.
What should you do if you’re injured at work?

Have you been injured while on the job? Sounds like the beginning of every personal injury commercial you’ve seen, huh? Unfortunately, the question is not as trivial as you may think. The U.S. Department of Labor reported 2.6 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in 2021. With such a high number of injuries occurring yearly,…

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someone is injured at a construction site
Construction Site Injuries: Who is Liable?

Construction sites are a safety threat, no matter the size of the project. Construction workers must work in the elements, maintain awareness of traffic and heavy machinery, cross narrow planks several stories above the ground, and evade electrocution. As a job description, dangerous is an understatement. The U.S. Department of Labor reported 250 injuries or…

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Man in nursing home feels withdrawn due to emotional elder abuse from the staff
Signs of Emotional Elder Abuse in a Nursing Home

Emotional abuse occurs when one person causes emotional trauma to another through nonphysical means. The abuse can be verbal or nonverbal and uses power and control to isolate and intimidate. Nursing home staff occupy a powerful position as it relates to nursing home residents. Residents rely on staff for basic needs like water, food, and…

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