Common Types of Car Wrecks

Car Wreck Huntsville Alabama

Car accidents are, unfortunately, daily occurrences that affect countless lives.  In 2018 alone, there were more than six and a half million car crashes resulting in more than 36,500 deaths.

Though car wrecks are regularly occurring, they are not all the same and may happen due to circumstances beyond or within your control. 

6 of the Most Common Crash Crashes

You may want to be aware of the most common types of auto accidents and the circumstance that may contribute to them.

There are several ways to describe a car accident:

  • where your car was hit
  • how many cars were involved in the wreck
  • how your car reacted

Today we will review the different types of vehicle accidents you may find yourself in:

  • Rear-end collision
  • Side impact accident
  • Head-on collision
  • Single-vehicle wreck
  • Multi-vehicle crash
  • Roll-overs

Because of the different ways to describe accidents, your car crash may be a combination of these different types. For example – you could be involved in a multi-vehicle, rear-end collision.

#1 – Rear-End Collision

A rear-end collision is one of the most common types of car crashes. It occurs when a driver hits the rear of another vehicle.  It can happen due to inclement weather conditions or not paying attention to traffic.

#2 – T-Bone Accident

T-bone wrecks (also known as side-impact accidents) generally occur at intersections or entrances and exits of roads, businesses, or homes.  This type of wreck is named as such because one vehicle crashes into the side of the other vehicle forming the shape of the letter T.

#3 – Head-On Collision

Head-on collisions occur when two cars coming from opposite directions crash into each other’s front ends. These types of car crashes have the highest fatality rate, accounting for 56% of passenger deaths in 2018.

#4 – Single Vehicle Accident

Single-vehicle crashes involve only one vehicle. That vehicle may have left the road or crashed into another object after the driver loses control. Just 39% of car occupant deaths in 2018 occurred in single-vehicle crashes.

#5 – Multi-Vehicle Collision

A multi-car collision involves several cars. These types of accidents typically occur on highways, where there are usually more cars. Often these are the most deadly car crashes, accounting for 61% of car occupant deaths in 2018.

#6 – Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents occur when the tires of the vehicle no longer make contact with the ground. The vehicle ends up on its side, upside down, or even rolls multiple times.

Common Causes of Auto Accidents

Car crashes can be caused by several factors, including:

Ways to Decrease Your Chance of Being in an Auto Accident

Looking to decrease your chances of ending up in an auto accident? There are several things you can do:

  • Decrease your speed in inclement weather
  • Do not use your cell phone while driving
  • Use defensive driving techniques

What to Do If You’re Hurt in a Car Wreck

Even when every caution is exercised, car wrecks can cause broken bones, severe damage to internal organs, and even death.  In the event that there are no deaths or injuries, the financial impact can be devastating due to the cost of repairs, increased insurance costs, and the inability to travel to and from work. 

If you or a loved have been hurt as the result of a car wreck, the attorneys at Timberlake & League can help.  Our lawyers have extensive experience navigating the aftermath of car wrecks and in providing quality and professional legal counseling

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