How Can Social Media Impact Your Car Accident Claim

Today’s highly connected world has made social media a large part of our daily lives. While there are both positives and negatives to this connectivity, one potential negative is that social media can sometimes impact legal matters like car accident claims. It is wise to have a thorough understanding of how social media can influence insurance adjusters.

Social Media’s Influence on Claims

person posts on social media after car accident injury

Insurance adjusters work diligently to protect their companies’ interests. They will scour social media for evidence that may influence your case. Here are some things they look for:

  • Posts – Anything you share on your profile can be used against you in court. Claiming severe injuries from the accident while sharing videos of yourself engaging in sports could undermine your credibility.
  • Photos – Images that show the condition of the car, post-accident activities, and injuries could be used to argue that damages are not as severe as you claim.
  • Comments – Comments such as “Hey, I’m glad you were okay and still made it to my party the night of your accident. It was epic. You danced all night!” Well, that comment contradicts your claim of a severe injury.

Navigating Social Media Privacy Settings

Use privacy settings to control who has access to your posts and personal information. This can help prevent unnecessary complications with your claim.

  • Adjust your privacy settings so that you only share information with your intended audience.
  • Be cautious, especially after a car accident. Limit who can tag you in photos and other posts.

What Not to Share

Now you know what insurance adjusters will be looking to discover. You also know how your privacy settings can prevent their ability to do that. So, let’s get into some specifics. Here are some things you should be mindful of:

  • Wording – Avoid language that could be viewed as an admission of fault or liability.
  • Photos and Videos – Be careful not to pose in videos or photos in ways that conflict with your claimed injuries.
  • Conflicting Updates – If you claim an inability to work, avoid posting updates about work-related activities.
  • Altering/Deleting Posts – This could be seen as an attempt to destroy evidence.

Quick Tips for Managing Social Media During a Claim 

Here’s a quick breakdown of all we’ve covered:

  • Watch what you post.
  • Ask yourself, “Will this negatively affect my claim?”
  • Be wary of friend requests. Avoid accepting requests from unknown individuals.
  • Remember, insurance adjusters are lurking. They will use your social media accounts to discredit you and discard your claim.
  • Ensure your profiles are not easily accessible by non-friends.

Finally, consult with an attorney. Seeking legal advice is highly recommended. Understanding the ins and outs of social media’s impact on car accident claims will help protect your ability to collect any damages. Social media can be a powerful tool; use it wisely.

If you or a loved one has a car accident claim, consult the experienced attorneys at Timberlake, League, and Brooks. They can help you strike a balance between staying connected online and safeguarding your legal position.

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